Today I woke up and all I have done is have breakfast, watch TV, shower and watch some more TV. I decided to do something a bit productive and I decided to clean my make up brushes. So it's been a number of weeks since I last cleaned my brushes which is kind of disgusting so I decided to clean them today as I wasn't going to use them. 

To clean your brushes using the method I use you aren't going to need a lot of 'supplies'.
What you need is;
1. Make up brushes
2. Shampoo (I just used my own which is alberto balsam, the flavour doesn't matter)
3. Water (I just used the water from the tap)
4. A towel to lay your brushes on after washing them

Step 1: Run the brushes under the tap. I prefer to use cold water.
Step 2: Pour a small amount of shampoo in the palm on your hand.
Step 3: Clean the brushes using the shampoo. Be careful not to lean so hard on the brush and I recommend 
            getting rid of any excess water in the bristles before starting this step. 
Step 4: Rinse the shampoo out of the bristles. The water should run clear after a few seconds and then you
             know that you have got all the make up out. If this doesn't happen then repeat step 3.
Step 5: Lay your brush on a towel to dry. 
             Allow to dry for at least a day to ensure it is thoroughly dry. 

Step 6: Repeat with all your dirty brushes
Please excuse my tan, it ran when I was cleaning the brushes.
Hope you're all having a good day, do you's use a different or similar method to clean your make up brushes?